Franfort OWI Defense Lawyers
OWI Defense Lawyer in Frankfort, Michigan

The OWI defense lawyer in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can help you fight your charges, help you negotiate a plea deal, and even, in some cases, fight to get your charges dropped or reduced. Under Michigan law, you could be arrested or face operating while intoxicated charges if your BAC is found to be above 0.08. If you are under 21 years old, you could face arrest or charges if your BAC is above 0.02. It doesn’t take many drinks to end up with a BAC that could put you in violation of the law. In fact, just one drink could put most people above the 0.02 BAC, and just two or three drinks could put someone above the 0.08 limit. You don’t even have to show high BAC results on a test to face arrest for operating while intoxicated in Michigan. If you show signs of impairment, you could face arrest, even if you refuse to submit to blood or breath alcohol testing. Under Michigan’s implied consent laws, you could automatically lose your driver’s license if you refuse to take a breath or blood alcohol test under Michigan law. Furthermore, your refusal to take a test could be used as evidence against you in court.
An OWI conviction comes with serious consequences. You could end up facing jail time, the loss of your driver’s license, high fees, and other collateral consequences. The collateral consequences of an OWI conviction can include increased insurance rates, lost access to certain federal aid programs including housing programs and student loans, and some individuals can even lose their professional licenses or face deportation if they are in the United States on a visa or green card. With so much on the line, it makes sense to seek the representation of an OWI defense lawyer in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group. An OWI arrest can put your reputation, your freedom, and your very future on the line. The OWI defense lawyers in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group are here to help you.
OWI Charges for those 21 Years Old and Under in Michigan
If you are 21 years old or younger and are facing OWI charges in Frankfort Michigan, it is important to understand that Michigan’s zero tolerance law could leave minors and individuals under 21 facing serious criminal charges. Conviction of an OWI for someone under 21 could leave you with a permanent criminal record that could impact your life for years to come. It could limit your career and professional opportunities, limit your ability to go to college (especially if you need to access federal student aid), and affect your access to other government programs and benefits. If you or your child is facing OWI charges, an OWI defense lawyer in Michigan can help you fight your charges, negotiate a plea deal, or help you take the next steps to protect your record.
While underage OWI doesn’t typically come with jail time, it is important to not take these charges lightly. If you are underage and your BAC was higher than 0.08 or if your BAC was even higher, it’s possible you could face adult charges, or regular OWI charges. Having an OWI on your criminal record could carry serious collateral consequences that could haunt you for life. It could also impact you if you were ever to be arrested or charged with an OWI in the future.
The OWI defense lawyers in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can help you navigate the criminal justice system and fight your charges. The OWI defense lawyers at the Neumann Law Group can help you work with judges and prosecutors to negotiate alternatives to sentencing or charges, including alcohol rehabilitation programs and other treatment programs. The OWI defense lawyers in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can review the charges being filed against you and help you take the next steps. In some cases, we might be able to help you seek a reduced charge, take a plea deal, or fight your charges.
How Do I Get My Driver’s License Back After an OWI in Frankfort, Michigan?
There are several ways you can try to get your driver’s license back after an OWI. If you have served the time of your license suspension, you can seek to have your driver’s license reinstated, if you have paid your fines and fees. If your driver’s license has been suspended but you need to drive to get to work, school, or to your alcohol treatment program, you may be able to petition the court to let you drive on a restricted license. With a restricted license, you won’t be able to drive for purposes other than school, work, or substance abuse treatment, and you may be required to use an ignition interlock device. In some cases, your OWI defense lawyer in Frankfort, Michigan may be able to help you negotiate the terms of your restricted license when making a plea deal or when negotiating with judges and prosecutors. In other cases, individuals might seek a restricted license after their license has been suspended.
If you have questions about how you can get your driver’s license back after an OWI conviction or charge, reach out to the OWI defense lawyers in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group today. We are here to help.
How Can I Contact an OWI Defense Lawyer in Frankfort, Michigan?
The OWI defense law firm in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group can be reached by calling 800-525-6386 anytime day or night. We have someone available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to take your call. We understand that people can face OWI charges at any time of the day or night, and we are here to listen to your story and help you take the next steps. If you’ve been arrested, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to your OWI defense lawyer. Contact the OWI defense lawyers in Frankfort, Michigan at the Neumann Law Group today.